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Pilar Mateo Foundation/CyCA Africa: Science and Knowledge in Action
It is a non-profit organization, created by a series of private entities. From 2010 on it has focused its efforts and actions on the fight against endemic diseases, such as Malaria and Chagas. Its work has developed in two directions:
From the Action point of view: promoting and developing projects, as well as creating awareness and providing education for the health sector.
From the Science point of view: working and collaborating in projects that are looking for solutions against ‘poverty’ diseases.
Health, Education, Empowerment of Women, Socioeconomic Development and Research and Development are the main action points within our projects.
We are working in collaboration with local organizations with whom we share common aims and strategies of intervention. We seek to create alliances that will allow for the continuity of the undertaken actions, by collaborating with public institutions, communities and social sectors in every country.
The Foundation supports especially, to the most vulnerable groups of population: children, women and indigenous groups.